Oak Harbor, WA

Looking at the map, Whidbey Island looks like the next destination. We need to head south. We may as well see some pretty country on the way. Oak Harbor is about halfway down the island on Saratoga Passage. We can get onto the island over a bridge. We can either come back the same way or check out the ferry that leaves the island on the southern end.

Oak Harbor

The Oak Harbor City Beach Park is a very nice RV park that is located right on the water. A full hook-up is $20 a night on a first-come, first-serve basis. We lucked out by getting the premium spot on the end closest to the beach. We have a great view out our front window and a short walk to the hiking trail.

Saratoga Passage

The trail goes all along the waterway, across the bridge and down along the other side. I walked for about an hour and a half and still haven’t discovered all the possibilities for the various paths.


The beach is covered with massive amounts of driftwood. Presumably this all gets washed up in stormy weather. We are having a mix of sunshine one day and overcast with light rain/heavy mist the next. It is starting to feel like the season is changing.


These picnic area that are sheltered from the wind provide great seagull perches.

Swimming Hole

The park has a tide pool that is deep enough to provide a swimming hole. The slide off the dock adds interest. I think the water is too cold to be inviting now. Besides, school has started. It is time to leave summer fun behind and get back to the business of life.


Nice Place to Live

Each day when I take my walk, I go past these condos. The sunroom that has been built on the end of the building that has windows on three sides and a great view of the water looks like a great place to live. I see a cat pole standing in one corner of the room near the windows as being a must.

Flintstone Park

This is a great recreation of the Flintstone’s car. How fun!

Flintstone Park


This sculpture was by the tide basin. I found no identifying plate to tell me who created it, what it is called. I find it to be very charming.

All in all our stay on the island has been very enjoyable. A drive to the far end and back didn’t really show us anymore than we were seeing on the drive down from the north end. After researching the ferry, we have decided to drive the 25 miles out of the way to use the bridge instead of the ferry. It would cost $44.00 to get the RV, Jeep and us across. There would be a wait to board. At a dollar a mile, the $25 extra in operating cost seems to be the better deal. Besides it isn’t like we haven’t had plenty of ferry experiences, right?

Friday morning we are off for Lynnwood where we will stay to see what there is to see around Seattle. Whidbey Island will definitely be in the memory bank for when we are back in this part of the world again. It has been a very pleasant campground. Life is good.

One Response to “Oak Harbor, WA”

  1. BobbuBrowne says:

    Hello! Cool post, amazing!!!

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