Vancouver – Day 6

Part of the reason we decided to take Thursday off was the weather. In fact, yesterday was a bit on the gloomy side. Today, Friday, September 3, is beautiful. The sun is shining, and it is a glorious day.

Shannon Falls

I had wanted to drive up to Whistler Mountain where the ski venue for the Vancouver Olympics was held. Wendy and George wanted to go as well; so we are driving into the city to pick them up. Not knowing what to expect for traffic, we allow plenty of time and arrive 30 minutes early. A quick breakfast at MacDonald’s fills in that time rather well, and we are off to Whistler.

The drive north is a beautiful experience all by itself. It has been recommended that we stop at the waterfall that is on the way. Shannon Falls is, indeed, well marked. It is also a popular attraction.

Stawamus Chief

The short hike up to the falls gives us a view of this very prominent granite rock.

Stawamus Chief - The Volcano that Wouldn't Be

Shannon Falls

We have seen a lot of waterfalls this year. This is one of the nicest.

Shannon Falls

Shannon Falls

George, Wendy, and Ed

George, Bonnie, and Ed

Tailed Frogs

We didn’t get to actually see any of these little creatures, but their story is sure interesting.

Tailed Frogs

Tailed Frogs

Tailed Frogs

Tailed Frogs

Most other creatures call it something else.

Big Nurse Tree

Look at the roots on this tree. It started out life way up there and has been looking for dirt ever since!

Shannon Falls Runoff

Downstream from the Falls


Back on the road we arrive in the village of Whistler. It is a typical ski resort, catering to tourists and in winter to the skiers.

Downhill Biking

The village still makes good money off the ski lifts and ski runs in the summer. The sport of downhill biking is a very popular thing to do. In talking to some of the bikers, we have discovered that the bikes they use are especially designed for this sport. They are heavy and not well suited for riding on flat ground.

Downhill Biking

The opinion of one of the store clerks is that it is too dangerous. He didn’t want to risk an injury that would knock him out for the winter skiing. It does look like it would not be difficult to get hurt pretty bad. Remember we are only seeing the bottom of the run.

Coming through the Curves

Downhill Racer

S Turns

A bit of Silly!

More Fun Stuff!!

Village of Whistler

Lots of shops and restaurants line the main village area. It is Labor Day Weekend, and people are settling in for a long weekend of relaxation.


Jazz Festival in Whistler

There is a jazz festival this weekend. This is one of the bands playing in the street.


Fun street art.


Flowers All Around

Ski Runs

The ski runs on the mountain are easy to spot in the distance.

Whistler Olympic Park

A visit to Whistler wouldn’t be complete without going by the Olympic Park.

Ski Jump

This was the venue for the ski jumping competition. That is pretty impressive when standing at the bottom.

Olympic Ski Jumps


The view across from the jumps includes some glaciers. This is beautiful British Columbia at its finest.



On the Way to the Top

We are on our way to the top of the ski jump. The ride up is fun.

Looking Down

At the top of the jump looking down, it is even more impressive! The idea of walking down four steps, putting on skies on the black bench part, and then sliding my but out onto the seat to get in line with the tracks to make a jump is just crazy!

Coming Back Down

After hearing all about the facility from the nice man on top, we are on our way back down.

Almost Back

George and Wendy were behind us; so there is ample opportunity to get their picture.

White Swan

The drive back into the city was not bad for traffic. There was a bit of traffic leaving the city and some coming in but not as bad as Los Angeles on a holiday Friday.

Once we have parked at the hotel parking, we are on a walk through Stanley Park to see the raccoons on our way to dinner. Before we get to the raccoon hangout, we find three beautiful swans swimming next to shore.

White Swan

Canadian Goose

White Swan

White Swan

White Swan


Ah, yes. Here the little guys are just like Wendy said they would be. Apparently she and George discovered them yesterday. They are always so cute to watch.









Across the Lagoon

We have a short walk by the lagoon and then to dinner. George and Wendy have chosen a wonderful spot with outdoor dining for our last dinner. This is their treat, and we are thoroughly enjoying the experience. What a great way to end a very fun week. We really must plan on doing this again sometime. Life is very good when spent with good friends.


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