Billings, MT

It is a cloudy, damp Saturday, May 21. We are leaving the splendor of Yellowstone and heading for Bozeman. There we meet up with Lorraine and Dale, the friends we met on the Rome cruise last spring. The plan is to maybe go fishing on Dale’s boat; however, if the weather doesn’t improve, that is not happening.

Dale and Lorraine

Dale and Lorraine have driven 150 miles to meet up with us to let us know the plan has changed. Are they friends or what?!!! They couldn’t call us since phone reception in Yellowstone is so poor; so the drove over to the meeting spot to talk us into following them back to Billings. The weather is just too rotten for any boating.

Before we do that, we are off to a very yummy lunch at a wonderful little pub. Then before we leave Bozeman to head east, Dale wants to take us to the Museum of the Rockies.

Museum of the Rockies

We are back in dinosaur country. We won’t have a lot of time since it is about to close, but we won’t be back this way again; so we will make a flying trip through to see what they have.


On the way to the dinosaur section, we pass by this really great display of life in early Montana. I love this bathtub.

Kitchen Stove

This is the stove that goes with that era. The kitchen is really set up well. I’m ready to move in!

Let's Bake Some Bread

Can’t you smell the fresh break baking!

Dale's New Pet

Okay. We came to see the dinosaurs, and I got a bit sidetracked. This is a really nice museum. It deserves more than we are giving it. However, we have arrived at some of the rather impressive displays. I think Dale wants this one.


Interestingly enough we are just about due south of Drumheller. We discovered that treasure trove of dinosaur history on our 2009 trip across Canada. Apparently the dinosaurs roamed a fairly large area in this region of the world.

Dinosaur Parts

The Baby Dinosaur

A Dinosaur Rodeo?

What Are They Doing Exactly?

The museum is closing. It is time to head on back to Billings. Dale has graciously allowed us to park overnight for a couple of nights on his rental property. That is going to give us a break. We love that! Thank you, Dale!

Sunday morning is overcast and rainy. Apparently they have had a one-in-a-row sunny day situation going on for a while, and this isn’t it! We have been invited to breakfast. Lorraine is cooking up some great tasting pancakes, sausage, and eggs. Yum!

The plan after breakfast is to go to the Custer Battleground. On our way out of the subdivision where Dale and Lorraine live, we get caught up in a “bear jam.” We looked all over Yellowstone for a bear and never found one. Right here in their neighbor’s backyard we find one! Go figure!

Black Bear

Black Bear

We decided we didn’t want to know what he is eating. Dale and Lorraine do not have any pets or small children to worry about. That was all we needed to know on that subject.

Black Bear Watcher

Bear Jam in the Neighborhood

Everyone who is driving by is stopping for the sighting.

Why Are You Looking at Me?

The bear seems to be curious about what we are all looking at. Not curious enough to stop eating, but we are giving him something to do while he chews.

Unfortunately the interstate is closed due to flooding right at the turnoff for the Custer Battlefield. Not to worry, we head for the rim, a great place to overlook the city.

Lorraine, Dale, and Ed Laughing At What We Have Found

The high bluff overlooking Billings is a wonderful place to view the valley below. It apparently also provides a great place for young lovers to come look at the city lights. We seem to have found evidence that they aren’t necessarily looking at the lights. Of course, we have to have our giggle. Those were the days, my friend!

There's a Good-looking Pair

There are the handsome men that keep following us around!

The Women in Dale's Life

Dale’s mother, Delores, lives with them. She has come with us today. We have enjoyed meeting her. She is quite a lady. Having lived in this area all her life, she knows the history.

The City

The view across the city shows how much rain they have been getting. Everything is so green. There are blooming red trees scattered through the green.

The Rim Trail

I have walked down the bluff a short way to the rocky outcropping that provides a hiking path for a long distance along the bluff. I would love to have time to hike this trail. It looks like a good one. This would make such a great “Friday Hike.”

Billings Skyline

Downtown Billings if off in the distance.

Lorraine is Joining Me

Lorraine has found a path down that is a little more user friendly than the one I used. I’m about to have company.

Downtown Billings

The Flowers Are Blooming

These flowers are so beautiful. The pink fading into the blue is just electric.

The Story of Yellowstone Kelly

This is the brief bio for Yellowstone Kelly. There used to be a statue of him looking out over his beloved valley. Someone took the statue.

Pointing the Way

Dale and Lorraine are kind enough to give us an idea of what it would be like were it still here.

Wildflowers in White

This is the season for wildflowers.

The Playful Couple - Scene I

These two like to play. The started their little dance up the hill.

Scene II

They got it together.

Scene III

Now they are rockin’.

The Place Where The White Horse Went Down

This is one of those stories of the Old West that is filled with pathos.


No Old West town would be complete without a Boot Hill.

Succinct and to the Point

The Crosses

The only markers for the graves were these crosses. The headstones, if they were ever there, are gone.

The Monument

This monument seems to have taken the place of the individual epitaphs.

In Memory of those who blazed the trail and showed to us our west in boots and spurs they lie and on the hill find rest.

The Stream Flows on but it matters not to the sleepers here by the world forgot. The heros of many a tale unsung, they lived and died when the west was young.

This monument marks a historic spot where thirty-five lie buried. They played the drama called life for fortune and fame. Lost their lives; lost their game.

Upon this rugged hill the long trail past these men of restless will find rest at last.

Time of Death


Historical Significance

The part about “after a brief moment of silence, the mourners got back on their horses and raced back to the saloon” was interesting. It was a hard life. You had to be tough.

These Two Are So Fun!


Setting the Table for the Feast

Back at the house we have been invited to dinner. We are really getting the red-carpet treatment! Ed and I can only hope that we have the opportunity down the road to return this fantastic hospitality.

The Chef

The chef is in her kitchen making the final preparations. We are having pot roast and perogies.

The Great Balcony

While the final prep is underway, I step out onto this stunning balcony that overlooks the golf course. The sun has even come out this afternoon. I would spend every moment out here; however, I have been told that it is frequently too cold, too hot, too windy, or too rainy. Now that’s a real bummer! Today it is just right; albeit a bit damp from this morning’s rain.

Dale's Piano-playing Mother

Delores is entertaining us with some music while we await dinner.

Time for the Pot Roast

It’s time to gather round the table for a wonderful feast. I have never had perogies. They are a bit of wonderful! The pot roast is incredibly delicious. The brownies for desert are the perfect finish. But then it is hard to beat chocolate for a finish, isn’t it!

After dinner we enjoy a couple of games of cards, good conversation, and lots of laughter. These folks are such good people. We are definitely going to make it a point to try to get together with them again next year as we go through the Dakotas. Hopefully, they will find a reason to come to Arizona for a visit. We would love to see them and the welcome mat is always out. Thank you both! Life is so good because of friends like you.

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