Eugene, OR

Sunday, October 2, we are in Eugene, Oregon. This is the town that some of our Phoenix friends have decided is the place to spend the hot summer. They are not alone in their assessment. This is supposedly one of the most “livable towns” in the country.

Fall Colors

It is overcast and drizzly today. We are probably not seeing Eugene at its best. We have discovered a great bike path and walking trail that travels along the Willamette River all the way through Eugene. The fall colors are beginning to show along the river.

Willamette River

Ed on a Walk by the Willamette River

Ed and I are walking the bike path. I have the camera tucked under my shirt to keep it dry since it is on-again-off-again drizzle.

Willamette River

There are a few rapids in the river.

Willamette River

Willamette River

We have had enough of the rain for one day. Back in the RV we snug in for the evening. Life is good when you are warm and dry.

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